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public async void GetFileAsLocalCachedPath(string dropboxPath, Progress<TransferProgressReport> progressCallback, Action<string> successCallback, Action<Exception> errorCallback, bool useCachedFirst = false, bool useCachedIfOffline = true, bool receiveUpdates = false, CancellationToken? cancellationToken = null)

Asynchronously retrieves file from Dropbox and returns path to local filesystem cached copy.

Parameter Description
dropboxPath Path to file on Dropbox
progressCallback Progress callback with download percentage and speed
successCallback Callback for receiving downloaded file path
errorCallback Callback that is triggered if any exception happened
useCachedFirst Serve cached version (if it exists) before event checking Dropbox for newer version?
useCachedIfOffline Use cached version if no Internet connection?
receiveUpdates If true, then when there are remote updates on Dropbox, callback function successCallback will be triggered again with updated version of the file.
cancellationToken Cancellation token that can be used to cancel download

Example usage

_cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

  new Progress<TransferProgressReport>((report) => {                        
      statusText.text = $"Downloading: {report.progress}% {report.bytesPerSecondFormatted}";
  (localPath) => {
      // success
      statusText.text = $"<color=green>Local path: {localPath}</color>";
  }, (ex) => {
      // exception
      if(ex is OperationCanceledException){
          Debug.Log("Download cancelled");
          statusText.text = $"<color=orange>Download canceled.</color>";
          statusText.text = $"<color=red>Download failed.</color>";
  cancellationToken: _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

Example usage (async)

_cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

try {
  var localPath = await DropboxSync.Main.GetFileAsLocalCachedPathAsync(inputField.text, 
  new Progress<TransferProgressReport>((report) => {                        
      print($"Downloading: {report.progress}% {report.bytesPerSecondFormatted}");
  }), _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

}catch(Exception ex){
  if(ex is OperationCanceledException){
    print("Download cancelled");


public void GetFileAsBytes(string dropboxPath, Progress<TransferProgressReport> progressCallback, Action<byte[]> successCallback, Action<Exception> errorCallback, bool useCachedFirst = false, bool useCachedIfOffline = true, bool receiveUpdates = false, CancellationToken? cancellationToken = null)

Asynchronously retrieves file from Dropbox and returns it as byte array

Parameter Description
dropboxPath Path to file on Dropbox
progressCallback Progress callback with download percentage and speed
successCallback Callback for receiving downloaded file bytes
errorCallback Callback that is triggered if any exception happened
useCachedFirst Serve cached version (if it exists) before event checking Dropbox for newer version?
useCachedIfOffline Use cached version if no Internet connection?
receiveUpdates If true, then when there are remote updates on Dropbox, callback function successCallback will be triggered again with updated version of the file.
cancellationToken Cancellation token that can be used to cancel download


public void GetFile<T>(string dropboxPath, Progress<TransferProgressReport> progressCallback, Action<T> successCallback, Action<Exception> errorCallback, bool useCachedFirst = false, bool useCachedIfOffline = true, bool receiveUpdates = false, CancellationToken? cancellationToken = null)

Retrieves file from Dropbox and returns it as T (T can be string, Texture2D or any type that can be deserialized from text using JsonUtility)

Parameter Description
dropboxPath Path to file on Dropbox
progressCallback Progress callback with download percentage and speed
successCallback Callback for receiving downloaded object T (T can be string, Texture2D or any type that can be deserialized from text using JsonUtility)
errorCallback Callback that is triggered if any exception happened
useCachedFirst Serve cached version (if it exists) before event checking Dropbox for newer version?
useCachedIfOffline Use cached version if no Internet connection?
receiveUpdates If true, then when there are remote updates on Dropbox, callback function successCallback will be triggered again with updated version of the file.
cancellationToken Cancellation token that can be used to cancel download